Michael deMeng is giving away a piece of art for the holidays.
"Okay here's the deal. I've been thinking that because of all the
support that everyone has given to me this last year, I've decided
to give a little something back. I'm giving away an art
freebie...that's right, free art. I'll be giving away one of my
mixed media "trashy novels". Those of you who have taken a Book
Shrine class will have seen the piece before. Here's the prize:
http://www.michaeldemeng.com/bookcombo2.jpg The rules and the
skinny. 1. Email me on December 15th (the next full moon)
between the hours of 6 p.m. and 12. p.m EST 2. Send the email
to: assemblage@michaeldemeng.com (IMPORTANT: must go to this address. Any
entries sent to my other addresses will not count.) 3. The
Subject line MUST read: "Where's my book, dag nab it?" 4. You
are limited to 2 emails. 5. To win: you must be the 66th (year
of my birth) email I receive between those hours. All I ask is
that you speak kindly of me and forward my site to someone who
might be interested (this is an honor system sort of thing). I
will annouce the winner the morning of Dec. 16th (I will mention
your name unless you don't want me to...please indicate) and will
send the Art Book out that same day. Not sure if it will get there
before Xmas...but should be close. Ho Ho Ho."
And who knew we had same the birth year?!?! He'll be 40 next year too!
Anyway, Michael does incredible art. I've been able to see his work and the work of his students the last two years at ArtFest. I'd love to take a class from him.
Anyone who wins this will be LUCKY and the owner of a fine piece of art.
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